Friday, June 12, 2009


I have been working on my layout and what not the last couple days. And today didn't get to posting on here until now...oh well. Not a whole lot going on today. This morning we were supposed to get up for the arrival of an insurance adjuster and wouldn't you know after not being able to sleep all the great because of being worried about over sleeping, and a restless husband, she calls this morning while we were waiting for her (a half hour before she was supposed to arrive) and she had to reschedule for tomorrow afternoon! Hopefully it will all work out well for us!!

Then after my husband went to work this morning I was hanging out alone with Bella and all of a sudden I started to think about my sister-in-law. Don't know why but I did. Now a little back ground there. They have been trying to have a baby since I think it was March or April of 2007. So they have been trying for over 2 years also. Anyhow, they went through the fertility drugs for 9-10 months with not luck and then in December of 2008 they announced they were pregnant. After a couple of ultrasounds they new something wasn't right. They thought either the baby had Down Syndrome or Trisomy 18 I think it was. Anyhow, as time went on and SHE was monitored, the spot at the lower back of her head that was giving them some concerned seemed to shrink. Anyhow, I don't really remember all of the details for sure but I know there was something wrong with her heart and they thought it would be best to deliver her early (which luckily they did as my sister-in-law had some complications right before she had the c-section). So on May 1, 2008 a beautiful little angel Zoe Lynn was born and after a couple breaths here on earth she joined our Savior.

The two of them have been through so much this last couple years, and I really wish that there was something that I could do to take some of the pain from them. I also pray that they are blessed with another beautiful child soon, as I know that they want to become parents so badly. They are such a strong couple and I look up to them greatly. Love you guys!!

Nothing new really going on. I am still struggling a bit but not nearly as badly as yesterday. And figured I'd give you all a break after the novel I wrote yesterday ;)

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